Common unique : Shop where your favorite k-celebrities shop!

Common Unique is one of Korea's leading fashion shopping malls (e-commerce platforms, as commonly called in Korea). Their influence is so broad that they are even commonly known to sponsor celebrities (K-drama actors and or Kpop artists) personally or even as they star in various events.

Their catalogs style would be best described as simple, modern, everyday chic. Their main audience is young girls in their 20s transitioning from their younger selves to a more mature college and workforce entering lifestyle. New items are routinely added on a daily basis, ensuring their customers will always be laying their hands first on the most popular trends and items that are well known for being constantly changing.

common unique website interface

As mentioned earlier, Common Unique often collaborates with k-celebrities. They also have a special category on their platform named "Celebrity Picks" on which you can easily browse the items your favorite artists have liked and worn either in their daily public appearances or kdramas, making it easier for you to get closer to your main idol's fits such as IU, Jisoo (BLACK PINK) and Joy (Red Velvet) to name a few!

common unique celebrities page

All products available on the platform and within respective brands, as commonly done in Korea, are equipped with charts of the item’s measurements to make your online shopping experience headache free! Below is a quick rundown of what each specific measurement commonly used refers to.

Measurement Glossary

  • 어깨넓이 Shoulder width / 네크라인넓이 Neckline width / 네크라인길이 Neckline length
  • 팔길이 Arm length / 소매 Sleeve armhole / 암홀 Armhole
  • 가슴둘레 Chest / 허리둘레 Waist circumference / 엉덩이둘레 Hip circumference
  • 허벅지둘레 Thigh circumference / 밑위길이 Rise length / 밑단길이 Hem length
  • 뒷밴드 Back banding / 속바지 Underpants / 전체길이 Total length

Something to keep in mind, as online shopping is the primary method of shopping in Korea, most if not all e-platforms usually have under each product page a Product Info area that details the specific details of the item in question, usually found after scrolling down after the product images. Below is a chart of the commonly used terms as well as their translations.

사이즈 / Size크게나옴 / Fits larger정사이즈 / Regular sized작게나옴 / Fits small
두께감 / Thickness두꺼움 / Thick보통 / Normal얇음 / Thin
비침 / See Through있음 / It is약간있음 / A bit없음 / It is not
신축성 / Elasticity좋음 / Good약간있음 / A bit없음 / It is not
안감 / Lining전체 / All parts부분 / Partly없음 / There isn’t
계절감 / Season봄/가을 Spring - Fal여름 / Summer겨울 / Winter